Comments on PWG MFD Scan Service Model and Requirements 8.7.7 Page:Line Comment 6:170 "... scan instruction sheet ..." what is this? should we define it? use case? 7:209 Mailbox. Are we out-of-scope? 7:228 coping -> copying. 8:254 append "... and selects the target Scan Service." Required for Step 2. 8:261-265 ISSUE: I think if a validate template operation is provided, it needs to specify which scan service(s) to validate against. Note the template repository may be located on MFD1 and all other MFDs may refer to it. Therefore, no assumptions can be made as to any relationships between templates and services. 9:296 Validation is optional. 10:304 Validation is optional. Change last sentence to: The template's storage location is specified by an URL. 10:309 All request messages may not be internal. PutTemplate to a remote repository. 10:331 ISSUE: Implementation specific (?) Maybe a period of time when user can continue the job and, after timeout, the job completes. 11:338 At bottom: GetScanJobElements or GetScanJobStatus? No QueryScanJobStatusResponse. 11:349-352 This seems to be a hold over from print service. Printing deals with inbound data and so "push" and "pull" make sense. Scanning deals with outbound data. The scan service always "pushes" data to some location and the scan service client always "pulls" the data. Not to say there couldn't be some plumbing to allow a tightly coupled transfer, but that seems out-of-scope and implementation specific. 11:355 JobHoldUntilTime: Deleted on exceeding time? Is "indefinitely" valid? If so, do we need a DeleteHeldJob operation? 11:364 Okay, the "push" model sends the scan data as an attachment to an event. I thought the end result of the scan operation was a glob of data residing at some location specified by an URL. This seems like orchestration. 14:432 What's the difference between StartScanJob and CreateScanJob? (StartScanJob pushes the Start button!) 15:450 What does this mean? (line 458) 16:472-491 Needs some work -- does not flow well (IMAO). At least copy Step 8. to Step 10. 17:497 See 16:476 Step 5. 17:500 It may not be possible to complete the scan without storing the data during the scan. Imagine a very large scan on a resource constrained device. 18:504 The "... and Retrieve ..." seems out-of-scope. This, to me, is a composite of scan service and delivery service. How does this differ from scan2email, which is explicity out-of-scope? Okay, the "mailbox" could be an URL, but the retrieval is (or could easily be) some other application/service. The scan application UI would orchestrate. 19:532 The scan service understands the concept of mailboxes? Are mailboxes local to the service? If we say a mailbox is just a storage location and retrieval is via some other service, then I think we can and should do away with this use case. 19:554 Authentication information ... credentials ... realms ... proxy ... headache ... 19:557 Scan Policy Template needs to be defined. 23:592-596 Since the user can change the destination, will the scan service know about all possible storage locations? 26:612 Why specific to LDAP and DNS? 30:656 New term "ScanJobReceipt" 30:866 If we have a HoldUntil attribute, should we not also have a PendingScanJobsQueue? 31:707 UML would be nice, but is not required. 32:747 So, "Other" would be qualified to account for scan states like "Paused for Copy/Print" 36:823-827 I thought we resolved this. I think we should do both. 38:864 Change "server" to either service or device. 38:867 not -> NOT 38:866 Paused. 41:988 Yes.