IPP>PRO corrected protocol document [.pdf files posted]

IPP>PRO corrected protocol document [.pdf files posted]

Tom Hastings hastings at cp10.es.xerox.com
Fri Oct 24 12:43:29 EDT 1997

I've distilled the two .doc files and posted:

     ipp-pro-971023.pdf           PDF with no revision marks
     ipp-pro-971023-rev-red.pdf   PDF with red revisions marks
     ipp-pro-971023-rev-black.pdf PDF with black revision marks


At 19:44 10/23/1997 PDT, Robert Herriot wrote:
>It appears that ftp truncated 16 bytes off one file and 18 off of another
>even though I remember using binary mode. The files were both corrupted
>at around byte 60,000
>So I have downloaded new files, which at least have the correct byte count.
>I removed all the old corrupt files.
>They are in:
>The files are
>      ipp-pro-971023.doc       MS Word with no revision marks
>      ipp-pro-971023-rev.doc   MS Word with revisions marks
>      ipp-pro-971023.txt       text with no revision marks
>The revisions are with respect to the October 14 release.
>The changes are:
>The revisions are for the following issues:
>   Peter Zehler's request for clarifications with no changes to protocol
>   A minor typo in the grammar.
>   Changes for notification removal -- none
>   Changes for charset and language: description of text, examples, table
>     of attributes for operations.
>   bug fix:  I found that the naturalLanguage type couldn't be used with
>     both the value of the attribute attributes-natural-language and
>     to override one attribute value because in the former case the 
>     value stands alone and in the latter case it combines with the
>     following text or name value. So I added a compoundValue value-tag
>     type whose value specifies the number of following "values" that
>     form a compound value. A name with a Canadian French override 
>     would consists of 3 "values": a compoundValue whose value is 2, 
>     a naturalLanguage whose value is "fr-CA" and the name value.
>     (This solution is slightly different from the one I put in yesterday's
>      version, but this is a more general solution that offers extensibility
>      for things like a charset override.) 

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