IPP> uRl CAse iSsUE

IPP> uRl CAse iSsUE

Harry Lewis harryl at us.ibm.com
Wed Oct 7 14:38:32 EDT 1998

THiS IS abOUT As fAR As i WOUlD gO wiTH anY REcomMendAtiOn reGARding CasE
SensiTIVitY in ThE IMPleMeNtoRS GUiDe...

" IPP client and server implementations must be aware of the diverse
uppercase/lowercase nature of URLs. RFC xxxx defines URL schemes and Host names
as case insensitive but reminds us that the rest of the URL may well
demonstrate case sensitivity. When creating URL's, where the choice is
completely arbitrary, it is probably best to select lower case however, this
cannot be guaranteed and implementations MUST NOT rely on any specific case
type in the URL beyond the URL scheme and host name".

Harry Lewis - IBM Printing Systems

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