IPP> TES> IPP Server on Public Internet for Interop Testing

IPP> TES> IPP Server on Public Internet for Interop Testing

Carl Kugler kugler at us.ibm.com
Fri Dec 11 19:00:35 EST 1998

Our IPP server prototype is once again up and running on the public Internet.  E-mail me if you'd like the URI.  

Note:  the server is connected to the Internet for interop testing.  It is NOT available for downloading.

This version has some post-bakeoff fixes. 

Some new features:

1.  Support for many charsets (EBCDIC, even).
2.  Support for multiple Printers.

Known "limitations":

1.  Will not accept POSTs with Transfer-Encoding: chunked.  However, under some conditions it will generate responses with chunked encoding!

2.  Jobs remain in 'pending' state forever.

3.  Some URIs may be returned with "ipp:" schemes.

4.  NLO handling hasn't been updated to match the latest changes in the spec.

5.  'name' comparisons ignore Natural Language.

6.  Error responses are always returned in utf-8 charset.

7.  Responses may include an empty Unsupported Attributes group (legal but not recommended).

If you find any additional limitations, we'd like to hear about them!


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