Was the PWG Bake-Off a Success or Failure?

Was the PWG Bake-Off a Success or Failure?

Chuck Adams adamsc at pogo.WV.TEK.COM
Tue Aug 6 19:51:52 EDT 1996

Overall I found the pre-bakeoff useful. It was good to see that all these printers
could be managed using the printer-MIB. I believe that this MIB could be used by
an Independent Software Developer to implement a package or packages that could
handle all these printers. 

If there is another bake-off I would like to see more work done up front to define
the testing that is going to be done and the report that going to be filled. I
appreciate Genoa testing the hr variables but I would have liked to see a more
complete test of the printer-MIB done.

As for the results as reported. We have not implemented an off-line state within the
printer demonstrated. I am not sure why Running was not reported probably due to the
time crunch at the end of the day. Looks like I will need to do some more investigation 
into the particular printer tested to discover why the hrPrinterDetectedErrorState 
variable reported the same value for both error conditions.

Chuck Adams
Tektronix, Inc. MS 63-356
Color Printing & Imaging Division
P.O. Box 1000
26600 Parkway Drive
Wilsonville, OR 97070
(503) 685-2589
Fax: (503) 685-4901
adamsc at pogo.WV.TEK.COM

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