Updated Job Monitoring MIB/MIF objects/attributes

Updated Job Monitoring MIB/MIF objects/attributes

Tom Hastings hastings at cp10.es.xerox.com
Thu Aug 22 19:44:39 EDT 1996

Job Monitoring Project partipants,

I've updated the specification of the job monitoring MIB/MIF objects/attributes
with the agreements we reached at the JMP July meeting in Portand.

The .psr has the revision marks as does the .doc file.  We will use the
document with revision marks ar the upcomping August meeting to continue
the review.  Revision marks show the agreements reached at the July meeting
where we only had time to get through the 13 Job Identification objects that
the first 3 Job Parameters.  I've indicated ISSUES in the text that we have
identified as issued but have not resolved.  I've also copied in
map-summ.doc into this document so we can more easily compare the Job
Monitoring objects with the job submission protocols and keep the object
names updated in that summary.

-rw-r--r--   1 pwg      pwg       186368 Aug 22 23:30 jmp-spec.doc
-rw-r--r--   1 pwg      pwg       621572 Aug 22 23:37 jmp-spec.psr


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