PWG> Please RSVP for the June meetings if you have not already done so

PWG> Please RSVP for the June meetings if you have not already done so

JK Martin jkm at
Mon Jun 2 19:34:03 EDT 1997

Just a quick reminder to RSVP if you are planning to attend the
June PWG meetings.  Send your "ping" message to me privately at
"jkm at".

The cut-off date for the special hotel rate is this Friday, June 6.
Contact the hotel to make your reservations.  (See the copy of the
original meeting announcement below.)


PS:  Based on the results of the UPD meeting last month in San Diego,
     there will be no UPD meeting during the June meetings (as currently
     listed in the meeting schedule below).

----- Begin Included Message -----

Date: Thu, 8 May 1997 16:11:45 -0400 (EDT)
From: JK Martin <jkm at>
To: pwg at
Subject: PWG> Info on the June PWG Meetings in the Boston area
Cc: ccm at


Following is the current information for the series of PWG meetings
to be held in June:

  Date:  June 23-27


     Sheraton Tara Nashua
     Tara Boulevard
     Nashua, NH  03062

     Ph.  603-888-9970
     Fax  603-891-4179

     Rooms: $89.00 per night
     Cutoff date:  6 June 1997


Meeting Schedule:

     Monday      - P1394
     Tuesday     - P1394
     Wednesday   - IPP
       Wed nite  - UDP
     Thursday    - IPP
       Thu nite  - JMP
     Friday      - PWG/SENSE

Note there are two scheduled *night* sessions.  This could become normal
for the PWG, considering the number of active subgroups and attendant

The hotel is about 5 miles from Underscore's offices, so we're thinking
about holding the Friday SENSE session in our offices so that we can demo
the current work (and let folks kick the tires, etc).  This should also
reduce the meeting costs.  More on this later.


You can certainly fly into Boston for these meetings; the hotel is
about 40-45 minutes from Boston's Logan International airport.

However, you might very well consider flying into Manchester, NH, as
this is a fairly new (and expanded) airport that is both closer to
Nashua and far easier to deal with than Boston.  We strongly urge you
to consider using Manchester instead of Boston, particularly if you
expect to rent a car and are not used to Boston-area driving rules/habits.

Underscore expects to provide quite a bit more information in the next
week or so, including maps, site-seeing info, travel aids, etc.  Also,
we hope to make arrangements with some local limousine services that will
allow you low-cost, low-hassle transportation without having to rent a

If anyone needs information about other types of hotels (eg, the
Marriott... ;-), please let me know and we'll get you that information.

Please send a "ping" message to me (mailto:jkm at if you are
planning to attend any of the above meetings.  Please include the following
in the message:

  - Which meeting days you will be attending
  - Which hotel you will be staying in

Please try to send me the pings as soon as you can.  Feel free to contact
me at anytime for additional info, etc.


--  JK Martin               |  Email:   jkm at          --
--  Underscore, Inc.        |  Voice:   (603) 889-7000              --
--  41C Sagamore Park Road  |  Fax:     (603) 889-2699              --
--  Hudson, NH 03051-4915   |  Web:   --

----- End Included Message -----

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