IFX Mail Archive: IFX> Reminder - Wed 21 Jan - IPPFAX meeting

IFX> Reminder - Wed 21 Jan - IPPFAX meeting

From: McDonald, Ira (imcdonald@sharplabs.com)
Date: Wed Jan 21 2004 - 11:39:54 EST

  • Next message: Gail Songer: "RE: IFX> Reminder - Wed 21 Jan - IPPFAX meeting"


    Reminder that we plan to have an IPPFAX telecon
    later today. Gail, will you send out the note?

    Our topic is continued review of IPPFAX Protocol
    spec, to clean it up and align it with our approved
    IPPFAX Requirements spec.

    - Ira

    Ira McDonald (Musician / Software Architect)
    Blue Roof Music / High North Inc
    PO Box 221 Grand Marais, MI 49839
    phone: +1-906-494-2434
    email: imcdonald@sharplabs.com

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