IPP Mail Archive: IPP> MOD & PRO - IPP Event Notification, V0.05, posted

IPP> MOD & PRO - IPP Event Notification, V0.05, posted

Tom Hastings (hastings@cp10.es.xerox.com)
Wed, 13 May 1998 14:23:45 PDT

Scott, Harry, and I have finished our action item to incorporate the
agreements from the Portland meeting into the IPP notification proposal.
Its version 0.05.

Thanks go to Ron Bergman and Devon Taylor (of Novell) for additional

I'm posting it for discussion at the upcoming IPP meeting,
in Washington, 5/20 - 5/21:


Use the last one for making comments as it has line numbers.

Please take the time to read the entire specification. We've seen it
enough by now. Its grown to 50 pages, with the spec for the 'collection'
attribute syntax included as an appendix as we agreed on the telecon.

Is it ready to be made a first Internet-Draft?

Please send any comments before the meeting (and bring your copy to the

It also has the PWG Job Monitoring MIB (JMP) Notification Content (and 6 IPP
Job object Description IPP attributes for event monitoring of job
progress to align with the Job MIB).

Here is the abstract and the summary from the paper:

Event notifications for the IPP print protocol [and JMP]
Version 0.05

The appendix has the full specification for the 'collection' attribute
syntax, as agreed on our 5/6/98 telecon.

[Items in square brackets relate to the PWG Standard Job Monitoring MIB
[jmp-mib] trapping and will be removed when this document is made into an
IPP Internet-Draft.]

Status of this Memo

This document is a PWG Working Draft. It is intended to become a first
Internet-Draft when there is rough consensus that it is ready and then to
proceed on the IETF standards track to be used with IPP/1.0. It is being
developed under the charter for IPP/1.0 and meets the requirements in [req].


In IPP/1.0, the user can determine what is happening to submitted jobs by
using the Get--Attributes and Get-Jobs operations to poll for results.
This document describes an OPTIONAL extension to the IPP/1.0 Model document
for subscribing for event notifications using IPP, but which are delivered
over some other protocol, either by the IPP Printer object or by any
notification service that the IPP Printer object implementation may employ.
See [req] for the notification requirements.

Two methods are provided for subscription for notification events: (1) as
part of the job submission and (2) as a separate
Subscribe-For-Event-Notifications operation. Both methods allow the
requester to specify (1) about which event(s) to be notified, (2) which
notification-recipient(s) are to receive the notification, (3) what content
type is to be sent in the notification, and (4) which notification
transport method is to be used. Both methods allow the requester to
subscribe for job event groups, such as 'job-completion', and/or printer
events, such as 'printer-errors'.

The event notification subscription mechanism uses a new attribute syntax
called a 'collection'. A 'collection' value is a set of attributes. See
the Appendix of this document for the complete specification of the
'collection' attribute syntax.

1.1 Summary of the proposal for IPP Event Notification

This paper proposes the following:

1. One OPTIONAL "job-notify" Operation attribute for use with the
Print-Job, Print-URI, and Create-Job operation. The "job-notify" Operation
attribute has an attribute syntax of '1setOf collection' (see Appendix) so
that the client can request different events for different notification
recipients for the same job. Each collection value SHALL contain the
"notify-recipients" and MAY contain any of the following remaining member
attributes with the indicated syntax and support by the IPP object if it
supports the "job-notify" Operation attribute at all:

Member attribute
name syntax in request support
------------------- ---- ---------- ------
"notify-event-groups" 1setOf type2 keyword MAY mandatory
"notify-recipients" 1setOf uri SHALL
"notify-content-type" mimeMediaType MAY mandatory
"notify-charset" charset MAY mandatory
"notify-natural-language" naturalLanguage MAY optional
"notify-additional-attributes" 1setOf keyword MAY optional

2. Two new OPTIONAL Subscribe-For-Event-Notifications and
Unsubscribe-For-Event-Notifications operations on the Printer object.
These operations are intended for operator/administrators and servers for
long term subscription for Printer object events that are independent of
job submission. The servers may be involved with (1) job submission to IPP
Printer objects and/or (2) collecting accounting data using the event
notification mechanism.

An IPP Printer SHALL support both of these operations, if it supports
either one. If an IPP Printer supports these operations, it SHALL also
support the "job-notify" attribute in the create operations.

3. One "job-notify" Job object Description attribute which is populated
with the collection value(s) supplied by the "job-notify" Operation
attribute in a create operation.

4. Six Job object Description attributes for monitoring job progress at the
sheet completed and collated document copy level to align with the PWG Job
Monitoring MIB.

5. One new "printer-notify" Printer object Description attribute which is
populated with the collection value supplied by the "printer-notify"
Operation attribute in the Subscribe-For-Event-Notifications operation.
Both attribute use the same collection as the "job-notify" Operation
attribute. The "printer-notify" Printer Description attribute also has an
additional "notify-subscription-id" member attribute which is an integer id
for the subscription for use with the Unsubscribe-For-Event-Notification

6. Six "xxx-supported" Printer object Description attributes that
correspond to the six member attributes in the collection values of the
"job-notify" and "printer-notify" Operation attributes.

Tom Hastings