IPP Mail Archive: Re: Resend: Re: IPP> Chunked POST: SUMMARY

Re: Resend: Re: IPP> Chunked POST: SUMMARY

Rodent of Unusual Size (Ken.Coar@Golux.Com)
Wed, 03 Feb 1999 12:57:54 -0500

John Franks wrote:
> The problem is that there is no way to use CGI with chunked message-bodies.
> This is can be viewed as a limitation of CGI (CGI's problem) or a
> limitation of the most popular implementations of HTTP (HTTP implementor's
> problem).
> You might also blame the CGI protocol for not permitting the use of
> chunked input. This could only be changed in a new version of CGI.
> You could also try to support a new version of the CGI spec which would
> permit CGI to take chunked input. Neither of these would deal with the
> existing base of installed servers, though.

Chunking is on the to-discuss list for CGI/1.1+. We're waiting until
the CGI/1.1 stuff is complete before really gearing up on the next
version. The list is currently quiet, but please feel free to
join it; see <http://Web.Golux.Com/coar/cgi/>.

#ken	P-)}

Ken Coar <http://Web.Golux.Com/coar/> Apache Group member <http://www.apache.org/> "Apache Server for Dummies" <http://Web.Golux.Com/coar/ASFD/>