IPP Mail Archive: RE: IPP> Review of the SNMP Notifications

RE: IPP> Review of the SNMP Notifications Method

From: McDonald, Ira (imcdonald@sharplabs.com)
Date: Mon Feb 28 2000 - 14:52:33 EST

  • Next message: Michael Sweet: "IPP> ANNOUNCEMENT: Common UNIX Printing System 1.1b1"

    Hi Ron,

    I've been contemplating, in support of the Scanner MIB
    work and any possible future Fax MIB, abstracting the
    current IPP Notifications over SNMP a little bit and
    changing the 'jmPrinterEvent' to be 'jmDeviceEvent'
    (which could then serve for Scanner MIB and private
    MIB events). The PWG Job Monitoring MIB already
    has 'JmJobServiceTypes' to express print, scan, fax-in,
    fax-out, etc. in jobs and is therefore already abstracted
    away from strictly print jobs.

    I had hoped to issue the new I-D before the 10 March
    deadline (Carl-Uno isn't that when I-Ds are cutoff'
    before IETF Adelaide, Australia??), but I've got the
    flu and a ton of other work, so probably not.

    I copied the IPP WG on this note, so folks would know
    what's happening as early as possible (before this
    Wednesday's IPP WG Telecon).

    - Ira McDonald

    -----Original Message-----
    From: Ron Bergman [mailto:rbergma@hitachi-hkis.com]
    Sent: Wednesday, February 23, 2000 6:28 PM
    To: Ira McDonald
    Cc: Carl-Uno Manros
    Subject: IPP> Review of the SNMP Notifications Method


    So far there has not been any group review of your proposal
    for SNMP Notifications. The last two meetings had a very
    full schedule with the new Set Operations and the other
    notification methods.

    I have volunteered to lead the discussion on this document
    and hope to have a slot in the Tokyo meeting.

    In the mean time I hope to do an extensive review of your
    proposal. As I stated previously, it looks like an excellent
    base for SNMP notifications. I do have some suggested
    improvements which I believe can be made available by
    the end of next week. (I had hoped to complete this task
    prior to the LA meeting, but other task seem to get in the
    way.) If we could at least have some discussions prior to
    the Tokyo meeting, they could then be presented to the
    group for additional feedback.

    I do not feel that any changes need to be made to your
    document for the IETF meeting. From past experience,
    there is not much feedback from these meetings unless
    specific issues are contained in the presentation. Also,
    I have not seen any participation from SNMP experts in
    the IPP discussions.

        Ron Bergman
        Hitachi Koki Imaging Solutions

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