IPP Mail Archive: RE: IPP> ADM - IPP Phone Conference - 0004

RE: IPP> ADM - IPP Phone Conference - 000419 [SNMP traps]

From: McDonald, Ira (imcdonald@sharplabs.com)
Date: Tue Apr 18 2000 - 19:01:00 EDT

  • Next message: Fung, Joseph Z: "IPP> Please remove / delete / unsubscribe me from this DL <EOM>"

    Hi Carl-Uno,

    Please, could we briefly discuss my proposal (earlier this
    afternoon) to greatly simplify the SNMP job monitoring traps
    at tomorrow's IPP WG Telecon?

    - Ira McDonald, consulting architect at Xerox and Sharp
      High North Inc

    -----Original Message-----
    From: Manros, Carl-Uno B [mailto:cmanros@cp10.es.xerox.com]
    Sent: Monday, April 17, 2000 5:50 PM
    To: IETF-IPP
    Subject: IPP> ADM - IPP Phone Conference - 000419

    IPP Phone Conference - 000419

    Long time - no hear... I am back in town again.

    This Wednesday we will take up our IPP discussions by phone again.

    I found the meeting in Tokyo very interesting and IPP now starts
    appearing in Japanese products. Even the sales people in Akihabara
    knew about IPP.

    We will use this phone meeting to go over the resolutions to issues
    that happened in Tokyo and see if any of the US people who did not
    make it to Tokyo have any violent disagreements.

    If not, we are getting very close to the finishing line with most
    of our documents under development. A few home work assignments remain
    and we need to start checking for full consistency between the various

    Look at the message titled:
            ADM - Issue Resolutions from IPP WG meeting on 13 IPP documents

    from April 12 for a summary of the latest resolutions

    Here is the dial-in information:

    Time: April 19, 2000 10:00 - 12:00 PST (1:00 - 3:00 EST)
    Phone: 1-888-749-8496 (8*534-8273 for Xerox folks)
    Passcode: 86037#


    Carl-Uno Manros
    Principal Engineer - Xerox Architecture Center - Xerox Corporation
    701 S. Aviation Blvd., El Segundo, CA, M/S: ESAE-231
    Phone +1-310-333 8273, Fax +1-310-333 5514
    Email: manros@cp10.es.xerox.com

    This archive was generated by hypermail 2b29 : Tue Apr 18 2000 - 19:11:30 EDT