IPP Mail Archive: RE: IPP> IPP massage [request and response

RE: IPP> IPP massage [request and response messages]

From: Hastings, Tom N (hastings@cp10.es.xerox.com)
Date: Tue May 29 2001 - 17:04:11 EDT

  • Next message: liangbin_du: "IPP> ipp questions"

    You should also consult the IPP Implementer's Guide. The one for IPP/1.0 is
    RFC 2639 and the latest Internet-Draft for IPP/1.1 is:


    The implementer's guide does talk about the HTTP headers too.

    Also you (both) should be using the IPP/1.1 Transport and Encoding document,
    RFC 2910, rather than the IPP/1.0 RFC 2565. There isn't much difference,
    except the scheme name, but just the same.

    The IPP web site has pointers to lots of documents:



    -----Original Message-----
    From: Mike Bartman [mailto:bartman@process.com]
    Sent: Tuesday, May 29, 2001 07:34
    To: 'lloly@gmx.net'; ipp@pwg.org
    Subject: RE: IPP> Ipp massage

    There are partial examples in the RFCs (Appendix A of RFC 2565). They show
    the layout of several kinds of requests and responses, but only the IPP
    part...the HTTP "wrapper" isn't shown.

    IPP RFCs are pretty dense reading, and it takes a number of passes through
    them before anything much starts to make sense, but once you get past a few
    critical concepts and definitions, it starts making sense. It's not laid
    out well for reference if you are implementing it (related bits and pieces
    scattered all over the place), but it's all there somewhere. I've found
    that 3M "sticky notes" make great reference tabs for critical parts in
    printed copies...

    -- Mike Bartman
       Process Software

    > -----Original Message-----
    > From: lloly@gmx.net [mailto:lloly@gmx.net]
    > Sent: Monday, May 28, 2001 10:58 AM
    > To: ipp@pwg.org
    > Subject: IPP> Ipp massage
    > Can someone please provide me with an example-code of an
    > IPP-massage. I am
    > trying to implement an Ipp-server in Java, but somehow I
    > cannot construct a
    > proper Ipp response-massage, say to respond to a Printer
    > Attributes request
    > operation or a succssesfull print-job operation.
    > Thanx in advance.
    > lloly
    > --
    > Sent through GMX FreeMail - http://www.gmx.net

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