IPP Mail Archive: IPP> XML schema definitions

IPP> XML schema definitions

From: Norbert Schade (norbertschade@oaktech.com)
Date: Fri Aug 10 2001 - 15:32:59 EDT

  • Next message: Hastings, Tom N: "IPP> NOT - IPPGET Issue 11: idea to allow Printer to increase server-d irected polling time (on a Subscription object basis)"

    Now that UPDF has been converted from a DTD to a XML schema defintion, we have some better chances to implement JCL support.
    So we are looking out, which standards are defined in XML schema definitions (XSD) as well, as that seems to be the dialect spreading the widest and offering the best syntax, e.g. a kind of include you know from your standard C language.
    We know that JDF is written in XSD.
    We are trying to find out the details about Bluetooth.

    Why am I sending this email out to IPP as well?
    Well, perhaps somebody wants to do the exercise and write the IPP specification down in XML, based on XSD. As far as UPDF is concerned, we are mainly looking for the device configuration and job parameter stuff (production printing, etc.). There are enough people and companies, who are members in IPP as well as in UPDF. So I guess the chances are pretty apparent.

    And once I'm asking ---
    perhaps some HP guys did it for PJL already just for fun, which shouldn't be the biggest task.
    Let me know.

    Norbert Schade
    Principle Software Engineer
    Host Software Group
    Oak Technology, Inc.
    10 Presidential Way
    Woburn, MA 01801
    Phone: 1-781-638-7614
    Fax: 1-781-638-7555
    email: norbertschade@oaktech.com

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