[IDS] HCD TNC Binding - Prototype Draft (25 February 2014)

[IDS] HCD TNC Binding - Prototype Draft (25 February 2014)

Ira McDonald blueroofmusic at gmail.com
Tue Feb 25 19:21:01 UTC 2014


I've just posted another *Prototype* draft of HCD TNC Binding.

This version addresses all typos and edits from the IDS WG session
at PWG F2F in February 2014.

For review at IDS WG session in February F2F and/or telecons.

- clean w/ line numbers

- redlines w/ line numbers


- Ira

Change History
25 February 2014

Global - Updated cover page, headers, and footers, per PWG F2F 02/04/13
Global - Corrected typos in previous draft
Global - Added back List of Figures, per PWG F2F 02/04/13
Global - Added figure titles to all plaintext format diagrams, per PWG F2F
Revised section 4.3.1 to add Message Length description, per PWG F2F
Revised section 5 to clarify the order of attributes precedence for IETF
and PWG attributes
Revised sections 5 and 6.1 to add reference to new section 5.4 Correlated
Attributes, per PWG F2F 02/04/13
Revised section 5.1 to make bullet list of optional attributes due to small
packet size for PT-EAP transport binding, per PWG F2F 02/04/13
Revised section 5.2 to make bullet list of optional attributes due to small
packet size for PT-EAP transport binding, per PWG F2F 02/04/13
Added new section 5.4 Correlated Attributes (with text from old section 5),
per PWG F2F 02/04/13
Revised section 5.4 to clarify that an empty string MUST be sent for an
unknown value of one of the Correlated Attributes, per PWG F2F 02/04/13
Revised sections 6.2.1, 6.2.2, and 6.2.3 to make bullet lists of
attributes, per PWG F2F 02/04/13
Revised section 6.2.2 with back-references to sections 5 and 5.4 for
omitted string attributes due to small packet sizes in PT-EAP transport
binding, per PWG F2F 02/04/13
Revised section 8 to add that implementations MUST conform to the security
requirements defined in underlying protocols PT-TLS, PT-EAP, PB-TNC, and
PA-TNC, per PWG F2F 02/04/13
Revised section 8 to clarify the meaning and requirements for integrity
protection and confidentiality protection of transmitted health assessment
attributes, per PWG F2F 02/04/13
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