IPP> NOT - Pro and Con comparison of 28 notification delivery method v ariants posted

IPP> NOT - Pro and Con comparison of 28 notification delivery method v ariants posted

Hastings, Tom N hastings at cp10.es.xerox.com
Thu Oct 28 03:42:34 EDT 1999

I've uploaded the comparison of the 28 notification delivery method variants
that we came up with.  We filled in the PROs and CONs for each.  Then cast
them as requirements and assigned a number from 0 to 3 for how well each
method met each requirement.  The table summarizes this comparison.  The
.xls spread sheet did the math by a simple cut and paste from the WORD table
and using auto sum.  That part was easy.

Send any comments on the different methods to the distribution list.  We
will look at the summary table during the Thursday meeting.



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