IPP>EXC update for Document and Page Exceptions

IPP>EXC update for Document and Page Exceptions

Herriot, Robert Robert.Herriot at pahv.xerox.com
Mon Feb 7 20:19:25 EST 2000

At the December meeting, there are two extensions suggested:

1)  Problem: Add a way to have exceptions for a document copy that are
different from other copies of the same document;

Possible Solution: add the attribute
"document-copies(rangeOfInteger(1,MAX))" to "document-exceptions" and
"pages-exceptions".  If it is not present, the behavior is as described in
the current spec.  If "document-copies" is present in a collection value of
the "document-exceptions" attribute, the collection value specifies
attributes for the specified copies of the specified documents. Document
copies outside the specified range are not affected by the collection
value.If "document-copies" is present in a collection value of the
"page-exceptions" attribute, the collection value specifies attributes for
the specified pages of the specified copies of the specified documents.
Pages not in the specified document copies are not affected by the
collection value.

2) Problem: Add a way to refer to the last page of a document.

Possible Solutions: None are proposed here, but here are some identified
issues that make the solution hard.

Issue 1: Should it be possible to refer to the next-to-last or third-to-last
page? If so, then there are potential look-ahead issues for a document with
an unknown number of pages. It may at least be necessary to refer to the
last sheet to select media. With two sided printing, a change of media for
the last page should put the last page on different media from the next to
last page. That may not be desirable.

Issue 2: How should an attribute reference the last page: -1, 0, MAX?  The
current value is rangeOfInteger(1,MAX). If -1 means last, then the syntax
becomes rangeOfInteger(-1,MAX) with 0 not allowed, but this extends nicely
for counting from the end.  If 0 means last, then the rangeOfInteger has no
gaps, but counting from the end is "off by one".  If MAX means last, then
the current syntax is OK, but it doesn't extend as nicely unless we redefine
the values up to MAX/2 are counted from the first page and values greater
than MAX/2 are counted from the last page.

These issues give a flavor of the problems.

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