PMP> Printer Interoperability issues

PMP> Printer Interoperability issues

Lloyd Young lpyoung at
Fri Dec 20 17:40:54 EST 1996

For the time being I will follow Jeff's lead and send e-mail to both PWG
and PMP distribution lists.

The reason that the PWG meeting is right away the interoperability 
testing was not to encourage kibitizers. It was done because some 
number of people were going to have to attend both the interoperability 
testing and the PWG meetings and did not want to travel to two
different locations.

I am concerned if people think they can come to the interoperability
testing just to observe. That is not the intent of the interoperability
testing and will be counter productive to getting the testing completed.
There really are two questions. First, should kibitizer's be allowed to 
attend the testing? They will be put to work if they are allowed to attend.
Secondly, should they help share in the cost of testing?

--------------- Jeff's original note with some deletions to short size 
To: Lloyd Young
cc: @ @ SMTP, @ @ SMTP 
From: @ (Jeff Schnitzer) @ SMTP
Date: 12/20/96 03:06:32 PM
Subject: Re: PMP> Printer Interoperability issues


One reason we wanted to have the PWG meeting right after the
interoperability testing was to encourage kibitzers.  Requiring
a significant fee of people just observing is counter-productive.
We want to increase attendance at the testing so that people will
have first-hand knowledge of the resulting issues when they are
discussed later in the week.  

Offering a chance of hands-on testing in exchange for a share of
the cost sounds reasonable...  But people who are just there to 
observe should not be charged a fee, and if the test staff is to 
be volunteer then the volunteers should not be charged.


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