PMP> Should Alerts be replicated???

PMP> Should Alerts be replicated???

Bill Wagner bwagner at
Tue Jan 14 11:35:13 EST 1997


     I take it that you are suggesting that an explicit statement or at 
     least a recommendation be included in the RFC relative to repeating 
     Alert Entries for continuing conditions.
     I suggest that, since the RFC described an Alert as a reportable 
     event, and an event as a change of state, there should be only one 
     alert for a condition such as low toner (or whatever). It may be 
     desirable to specifically call this out. 
     The potential problem of losing an alert because the depth of the 
     Alert Table is addressed by the priorities suggested for maintaining 
     the Alert Table. In the scenario whereby a significant warning 
     condition is lost because of  (perhaps) a multiplicity of different 
     critical alerts might suggest that an operator should check for 
     warning conditions when he is servicing a critical condition. The 
     scenario of loosing a warning because of many other (different) 
     warnings suggests that some consideration should be given to the level 
     of warning reported versus the size of the Alert Table. However, one 
     cannot assume (as Tom Hastings suggested) that the size of the Alert 
     Table will always be made sufficiently large to allow every possible 
     warning and critical alert to be retained.
     I would not suggest that it be required or recommended that the 
     printer re-enter a warning alert should the initial alert have been 
     removed to accommodate other events.
     Bill Wagner

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