PMP> Paper Out with Tray linking - Alerts

PMP> Paper Out with Tray linking - Alerts

JK Martin jkm at
Fri Jan 24 02:05:25 EST 1997

Very interesting comments regarding the "paper out" vs. "paper low"
scenarios.  As a mgmt app developer, here are my brief comments on
the recent postings by Harry, Bill and Gail:

  - I believe the HR MIB variables are used to indicate printer "down"
    conditions more so than printer "warning" conditions; this is only
    my opinion, as everyone's mileage will vary considerably with the
    HR MIB.  That is, I think it is very conceivable that we will find
    more than one scenario in which the HR MIB trio of status variables
    will not work well.  We'll have to live with that, and resolve how
    to handle such situations.

  - In the case of Harry's "linked input tray" scenario, I think it's
    in the best interest of everyone (ie, users, operators, etc) that
    a supplies issue has arisen (eg, a tray is out of paper, even
    though the printer might still be able to print).  Our customers
    want to be proactive rather than reactive, and anything that can
    help them stay out in front of printer-stopping conditions is
    always considered a big plus.

  - I don't think the approach for combining a set of linked trays into
    a singular (abstracted) "tray" is a good idea.  Too much complexity.
    Simply reflect the status of each tray in the corresponding subunit
    status field and expect the mgmt app to monitor and handle the
    semantics in an "appropriate" fashion.

Just my $0.02 worth.


--  JK Martin               |  Email:   jkm at          --
--  Underscore, Inc.        |  Voice:   (603) 889-7000              --
--  41C Sagamore Park Road  |  Fax:     (603) 889-2699              --
--  Hudson, NH 03015-4915   |  Web:   --

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