PMP> The Input Switching Group

PMP> The Input Switching Group

Caruso,Angelo Angelo_Caruso at
Mon Jan 27 19:21:14 EST 1997


I agree, there are too many objects. I think we both agree on the 
 objects we need to keep (though I may have confused you with my 
 previous message on this subject). To summarize, I think we need to keep

prtInputMediaLoadTimeout and

And, we should remove prtInputAutoSwitch.

This will require that we wordsmith the descriptions for the objects we 
 keep. The only issue I have left is that in my experience we would 
 apply prtInputNextIndex first when the tray goes empty. Then, if it's 
 value is zero, we would apply prtInputMediaLoadTimeout. According to 
 the current description for the timeout it's the other way round -- 
 timeout first, then switch. This does not make sense to me.

I think we need people to respond with their implementation experience. 
 Do most printers check to see if they should autoswitch first, then 
 apply the timeout? Or do most printers timeout first, then decide if 
 they should autoswitch?

Any other opinions?


From: pmp-owner at
To: "'Caruso,Angelo'"
Cc: Bob Pentecost; "pmp at"
Subject: RE: PMP> The Input Switching Group
Date: Thursday, January 23, 1997 5:31PM


Looking at the definitions of prtInputManualFeedTimeout (which is supposed 
to be prtInputMediaLoadTimeout), prtInputAutoSwitch and your new definition 
of prtInputNextIndex, it looks like we've got too many controls for what we 
need to do.

The objective is to have a timeout when the needed media is not available. 
The timeout requirement is satisfied by prtInputMediaLoadTimeout. The 
action to be taken can be controlled by prtInputNextIndex, as you've 
defined it if you change the wording to "A value of zero(0) indicates that 
auto input switching will not occur and the job will be aborted when this 
input subunit is emptied." I don't see the need for prtInputAutoSwitch to 
control switching, when prtInputNextIndex can determine the action to be 

You claim that prtInputNextIndex is not necessary, but you don't explain 
why. I see that it is needed for the printers that wish to allow the next 
input subunit to be configurable. For HP printers, we would support only 
values of zero and -2 since we don't know which tray we will switch to 
until the load media request is generated.

When we discussed this at the meeting on Friday afternoon, I didn't realize 
that there were multiple controls. This looks like a case where we can do 
some simplification, but let's not delete the wrong object.

Let me know if I'm missing something.

Bob Pentecost

prtInputManualFeedTimeout OBJECT-TYPE
	SYNTAX		Integer32
	MAX-ACCESS	read-write
	MIN-ACCESS	read-only
	STATUS		current
		"The duration (in seconds) after which the printer shall

			(a) switch to another input subunit, if the value of
			    prtInputNextIndex is non-zero and prtInputAutoSwitch
			    is on(3)
			(b) abort any job waiting for manually fed input, if the
			    value of prtInputNextIndex is zero or
			    prtInputAutoSwitch is off(4) or notPresent(5).

		The event which causes the printer to enter the waiting state
		is product specific. A value of (-1) implies 'other' or
		'infinite' which translates to 'this input subunit doesn't
		support manual feed'. A value of (-2) implies 'unknown'."
::= { prtInputEntry 24 }

prtInputAutoSwitch OBJECT-TYPE
	SYNTAX		PresentOnOff
	MAX-ACCESS	read-write
	MIN-ACCESS	read-only
	STATUS		current
		"Indicates the state of the auto input switching feature. The
		 value notPresent(5) indicates the feature is not currently
		 supported. Exact behavior of this feature is product specific."
::= { prtInputEntry 25 }

From:  Caruso,Angelo[SMTP:Angelo_Caruso at]
Sent:  Monday, January 13, 1997 5:19 PM
To:  pmp at
Subject:  PMP> The Input Switching Group

One of my action items from the Albuquerque meeting is to refine and
 justify the new objects in the Input Switching Group. Here is my first
 crack at refining these objects:

prtInputNextIndex OBJECT-TYPE
	SYNTAX		Integer32
	MAX-ACCESS	read-write
	MIN-ACCESS	read-only
	STATUS		current
		"The value of prtInputIndex corresponding to the input subunit
		 which will be used when this input subunit is emptied. A value
		 of zero(0) indicates that auto input switching will not occur
		 when this input subunit is emptied. A value of (-1) means other.
		 The value (-2) means 'unknown' and specifically indicates that
		 an implementation specific method will determine the next input
		 subunit to use at the time this subunit is emptied. The value
		 (-3) means input switching is not supported for this subunit."

Based on the new description above, I am once again of the opinion that
 the prtInputAutoSwicth object is uneccessary. Did I forget anything
 from the discussion Friday afternoon? Any other comments?


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