PMP> Disassociations

PMP> Disassociations

Gail Songer Gail.Songer at
Wed Mar 5 16:10:12 EST 1997

If hrPrinterStatus is idle,printing or warmup, then hrdeviceStatus must be
either running or warning.  If hrPinterStatus is unknown, then hrDeviceStatus
must be unknown.

If hrDeviceStatus is warning then hrPrinterDetectedErrorState must be either
lowPaper 80, lowToner 20, or serviceRequested 01.  If hrDeviceStatus is down
then hrPrinterDetectedErrorState must be either doorOpen 08, jammed 04, offline
02, noPaper 40, or noToner 10.

Or in other words:

hrPrinterStatus		hrDeviceStatus		hrPrinterDetectedErrorState
unknown<- - - - - - ->	unknown
			down			0x08 0x04 0x02 0x40 0x10
idle      \
printing   >- - - - -\	running
warmup    /          /	warning			0x80 0x20 0x01

Given alert.pdf, the following hrDeviceStatus states have been disassociated
with hrPrinterDetectedErrorState:

condition		company	hrDeviceStatus	hrPrinterStatus ErrorState
Input Tray Missing	6	running		idle		40
Tray Empty w/o Demand	5	down		other		01
Tray Empty with Demand	5	down		other		01
Paper Jam		5	down		other		01
Output Bin Full		2	down		other		01
Output Bin Full		5	down		other		01
Toner Low Warning	2	down		other		20
Toner Cartridge Missing	5	down		other		01
Toner Cartridge Missing	6	running		other		0a
Cover Open		5	down		other		01

Additionally, the following is questionable:
Toner Cartridge Missing 6	running		other


Gail Songer                                             Electronics For Imaging
gail.songer at                                 2855 Campus Drive
(415) 286-7235                                          San Mateo, CA 94403

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