PMP> Helpful info on localization for the MIB or the FAQ

PMP> Helpful info on localization for the MIB or the FAQ

JK Martin jkm at
Wed Jul 23 13:15:04 EDT 1997

In one of Lloyd's recent messages on the localization thread
he provided the following text that would make a *excellent*
additional to either the MIB draft or the FAQ (or both):

There are 5 types of objects in the Printer MIB where localization
may apply.
  1. Objects covered by prtConsoleLocalization
  2. Objects covered by prtGeneralCurrentLocalization
  3. Objects that are written to and read back by an SNMP
     management application, objects such as prtGeneralCurrentOperator.
  4. Objects that are read-only strings that are strictly determined
     by the printer, objects such as prtCoverDescription.
  5. Objects that are Printer MIB read-only strings but are copied by the
     printer from variables set by a non-SNMP host, objects such as
     NDSP Server name from prtChannelInformation.

I just wanted to explicitly capture this text and post it on the
mailing list for future reference.


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