PMP> URGENT: SYNTHESIS proposal on definition of OCTET

PMP> URGENT: SYNTHESIS proposal on definition of OCTET

Tom Hastings hastings at
Mon Jul 28 04:35:12 EDT 1997

At 14:47 07/25/97 PDT, Bob Pentecost wrote:
>>From your original SYNTHESIS proposal I need an explanation...
>> ----------
>From:  Tom Hastings[SMTP:hastings at]
>> Sent:  Wednesday, July 23, 1997 4:40 AM
>> To:  pmp at
>> Cc:  Harald.T.Alvestrand at; Keith Moore
>> Subject:  PMP> URGENT: SYNTHESIS proposal on definition of OCTET STRING
toallow superset of ASCII
><stuff deleted>
>> I suggest as a SYNTHESIS proposal 
>> which should make all the commentors happy and follows the Area Director's
>> advice (at the cost of a single object):
>> 1. Add a simple object to the General table that specifies the static
>> code set for the OCTET STRING objects in question (those that are not 
>> already indicated as being subject to the localization mechanism in the 
>> Printer MIB)
>> 2. The object has MAX-ACCESS of read-write
>> 3. The object has MIN-ACCESS of read-only
>> 4. Lets just add the object to the MANDATORY General Group, rather than 
>> making the object OPTIONAL and putting it in a separate group and 
>> specifying that US-ASCII SHALL be used when the object is omitted.
>What do you mean that the object is mandatory, but then you say that
"US-ASCII shall be used when the object is omitted"? How can a mandatory
object be omitted?

My sentence was too long.
The "rather than ..." was the other alternative of putting the
object into an OPTIONAL group which could be omitted.

To state it more simply, we would have two choices:

  a. add the object to the MANDATORY General group making it mandatory
  b. add the objectt to a new OPTIONAL group, so that the object would
     be optional.  In which case we would need to specify the interpretation
     when the optional group (and object) was omitted.

>> 5. The default value for the object is specified as UTF-8 (enum 106)
>> to follow the IAB recommendation.
>> 6. Lets call the new object:  prtGeneralStaticCodeSet
>> The complete text of this SYNTHESIS proposal affects:
><complete text deleted>

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