PMP> prtAlertIndex as defined in draft-ietf-printmib-mib-info-04.txt

PMP> prtAlertIndex as defined in draft-ietf-printmib-mib-info-04.txt

Michael Thatcher thatcher at
Wed Jun 2 21:10:47 EDT 1999

harryl at wrote:

> I hear you... (I think)... but I'm on a different point... what's the definition
> of 'not-accessible', where is it written and in what context? Note that we are
> talking about a TRAP pdu - right? A trap is "different" in that it is (at least
> I might argue) not ACCESSED by a management application but, rather, delivered -
> in fact - unsolicited.

See RFC 2578 sections 7.3, 7.7.

> I know I'm probably showing a great deal of SNMP vx, SMI vx, ASN.1 naivety, ...
> and I know you are telling me compiler writers have already shipped an
> interpretation... still, I'd like to see where 'not-accessible' is actually
> defined for SNMP and how it leads to an interpretation that the index to a table
> entry cannot be considered "interesting information".

Index information can be obtained from any of the other columnar objects which are
contained in the notification.

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