PMP> Add 'percent(19)' to 'PrtCapacityUnitTC' and 'PrtMarkerSuppliesUn itTC'

PMP> Add 'percent(19)' to 'PrtCapacityUnitTC' and 'PrtMarkerSuppliesUn itTC'

McDonald, Ira imcdonald at
Fri Nov 17 14:25:50 EST 2000


Implementors here at Sharp have found a serious problem with
'prtInputCurrentLevel', 'prtOutputRemainingCapacity' and

Their related units objects need 'percent(19)' added to
allow reporting of RELATIVE levels (often the only
information known from sensors).

- 'PrtCapacityUnitTC' should have 'items(18)' (per Ron B 
  and Harry L) and 'percent(19)' added 
- 'PrtMarkerSuppliesSupplyUnitTC' should have 'percent(19)' 

BOTH of these textual conventions should also have 'other(1)'
and 'unknown(2)' added - this would provide short-term
relief to the NEXT product team that finds a missing unit
AFTER the Printer MIB v2 is published as an RFC.

- Ira McDonald, consulting architect at Sharp
  High North Inc

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