PMP> Greets and a Question

PMP> Greets and a Question

Aguilera, Patricio Patricio.Aguilera at
Wed Jan 24 13:42:15 EST 2001

Hello everyone,

I signed up with the mailing list today at the recommendation of someone
responding to a question I had posted in the comp.protocols.snmp newsgroup.
That being said, here's my question:

I've got a quick question about the SubUnitStatus described in the Printer
MIB (RFC 1759) on page 24. Specifically, I'm trying to find out what the
difference between "Unavailable and OnRequest", "Unavailable because Broken"
and "Unknown".

I'm pretty sure I understand what "Unavailable because Broken" means, but
I'm just seeking some clarification because I'm not entirely certain where
"Unavailable and OnRequest" would be used.

-Thank you-

Patricio Aguilera

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