PMP> Comments on Printer MIB v2 -08 draft [from Xerox]

PMP> Comments on Printer MIB v2 -08 draft [from Xerox]

McDonald, Ira IMcDonald at
Thu Aug 23 16:29:06 EDT 2001

Hi Ron,

As promised, here are the comments on discrepancies still remaining
in the latest Printer MIB draft, from Sean McGarigle (Xerox).  They
all look valid to me.  The last one (extensive addition to the
section on changes from RFC 1759) looks like it could be flattened
to a bullet that said something like:

    - changed most enumerations to textual conventions and therefore
      changed the SYNTAX of many objects from Printer MIB v1 to
      specify appropriate textual conventions

- Ira McDonald, consulting architect at Sharp and Xerox 
  High North Inc

From:	McGarigle, Sean
Sent:	Tuesday, August 14, 2001 4:39 PM
To:	McDonald, Ira
Subject:	PRT discrepancies
Hi Ira,

Here's what I put together regarding PRT MIB V2 may want to
filter these.



Changes suggested for Printer MIB V2 HLD Draft 08 - Sean McGarigle 08/15/01

1.	Table of Contents, Page 3: Should add entries for GeneralV2,
AlertTableV2, ChannelV2, AlertTrap and AlertTime groups.

2.	PrtGeneralEntry, Page 66: Change group membership labels in accord
with new defined groups:

Change "label" for prtGeneralPrinterName and prtGeneralPrinterSerialNumber
objects from "General" to "GeneralV2".
Change "label" for prtAlertCriticalEvents and prtAlertAllEvents objects from
"Alert" to "AlertTableV2".

3.	prtGeneralGroup OBJECT-GROUP Definition, Page 138: Remove
      and prtGeneralSerialNumber objects.

3.a. Question: The prtGeneralGroup definition of page 138 also includes the
following items:

a)	prtGeneralConfigChanges
b)	prtGeneralCurrentLocalization
c)	prtGeneralReset
d)	prtCoverDescription,
e)	prtCoverStatus
f)	prtLocalizationLanguage
g)	prtLocalizationCountry
h)	prtLocalizationCharacterSet
i)	prtStorageRefIndex
j)	prtDeviceRefIndex

Of the above, only items (a) through (c) are referenced in the general group
description of page 66. If the other items (d) through (j) are members of
the General group, shouldn't they be referenced in the page 66 description
(perhaps as members of their associated "general" tables)? If they are not
legitimate members of the group, shouldn't they be removed from the page 138

4.	prtAlertTableGroup OBJECT-GROUP Definition, Page 142: Remove
prtAlertCriticalEvents, and prtAlertAllEvents objects.

5.	Print Job Delivery Channel Group Description, Pages 110 through 118.
The definition of the prtChannelInformation object appears within this group
description and is treated as a member of the group. From the context, it is
not clear herein, that the prtChannelInformation object is no longer a part
of the prtChannel Group.

6.	prtChannelGroup OBJECT-GROUP Description, Page 141: Remove
prtChannelInformation object from this group.

7.	prtAlertIndex  Object Description, Page 127. Second sentence in
description should read: "This is an incrementing integer starting from one
every time the printer is reset.

8.	Section 4, Differences from RFC 1759, Pages 28 through 30: Since
this is supposed to be a summary of all changes from 1759, it should include
all significant changes.


Standalone statement "Added the Input Switching Group". (It is covered under
paragraph beginning "- Created five OBJECT-GROUPS...")


Change to appendix C to reflect addition of dimensions (3.875 x 8.75 inches)
to "na-number-9-envelope."
Change to prtLocalizationLanguage to remove "GB" and lower case remaining
Change to prtLocalizationCountry to add "GB" as example.
Change to Printer-MIB DEFINITIONS: Imports and MODULE-IDENTITY
Change of "MediaUnit" TC title to "prtMediaUnit" (& syntax change to
prtMediaPathMediaSizeUnit, prtOutputDimUnit, and prtInputDimUnit objects)
Change of "CapacityUnit" TC title to "prtCapacityUnit" (& syntax change to
prtInputCapacityUnit and prtOutputCapacityUnit objects)
Addition of "items(18)" and "percent(19)" as capacity units.
Addition of "PrtCoverStatusTC" (& syntax change to prtCoverStatus object)
Addition of "PrtPrintOrientationTC" (& syntax change to
prtInterpreterDefaultOrientation object)
Change of "SubUnitStatus" TC title to "PrtSubUnitStatus" (& syntax change to
prtInputStatus, prtOutputStatus, prtMarkerStatus, prtMediaPathStatus, and
prtChannelStatus objects) 
Addition of "PrtGeneralResetTC" (& syntax change to prtGeneralReset object)
Addition of "PrtChannelStateTC" (& syntax change to prtChannelState object)
Addition of "PrtChannelTypeTC" (& syntax change to prtChannelType object)
Addition of "PrtInterpreterLangFamilyTC" (& syntax change to
prtInterpreterLangFamily object)
Addition of "PrtInputTypeTC" (& syntax change to prtInputType object)
Addition of "PrtOutputTypeTC" (& syntax change to prtOutputType object)
Addition of "PrtOutputStackingOrderTC" (& syntax change to
prtOutputStackingOrder object)
Addition of "PrtOutputPageDeliveryOrientationTC" (& syntax change to
prtOutputPageDeliveryOrientation object)
Addition of "PrtMarkerMarkTechTC" (& syntax change to prtMarkerMarkTech
Addition of "PrtMarkerCounterUnitTC" (& syntax change to
prtMarkerCounterUnit object)
Addition of "PrtMarkerSuppliesTypeTC" (& syntax change to
prtMarkerSuppliesType object)
Addition of "PrtMarkerSuppliesSupplyUnitTC" (& syntax change to
prtMarkerSuppliesSupplyUnit object)
Addition of "PrtMarkerSuppliesClassTC" (& syntax change to
prtMarkerSuppliesClass object)
Addition of "PrtMarkerColorantRoleTC" (& syntax change to
prtMarkerColorantRole object)
Addition of "PrtMediaPathMaxSpeedPrintUnitTC" (& syntax change to
prtMediaPathMaxSpeedPrintUnit object)
Addition of "PrtMediaPathTypeTC" (& syntax change to prtMediaPathType
Addition of "PrtInterpreterTwoWayTC" (& syntax change to
prtInterpreterTwoWay object)
Addition of "PrtConsoleColorTC" (& syntax change to prtConsoleColor object)
Addition of "PrtAlertSeverityLevelTC" (& syntax change to
prtAlertSeverityLevel object)
Addition of "PrtAlertTrainingLevelTC" (& syntax change to
prtAlertTrainingLevel object)
Addition of "PrtAlertGroupTC" (& syntax change to prtAlertGroup object)
Addition of "PrtAlertCodeTC" (& syntax change to prtAlertCode object)

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