SM> Next Semantic Model Teleconference will be on July 10

SM> Next Semantic Model Teleconference will be on July 10

Zehler, Peter PZehler at
Wed Jun 25 07:50:30 EDT 2003


I am busy doing the edits from the Portland meeting (Document Object,
Overrides, and JobX).   I am also updating the Semantic Model and Schema
with the Schema taking priority to get it posted this week(v0.95).
Therefore there will be no teleconference this week.  Next week is July 3rd
and I doubt attendance would be high.  I will get the next version of JobX
out and hopefully get some email discussion going identifying issues and
possible resolutions.  The July 10th teleconference will, most likely, focus
on JobX.


				Peter Zehler
				Xerox Innovation Group
				Email: PZehler at
				Voice:    (585) 265-8755
				FAX:      (585) 422-7961
				US Mail: Peter Zehler
				        Xerox Corp.
				        800 Phillips Rd.
				        M/S 128-25E
				        Webster NY, 14580-9701

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