IDS> Reminder: IDS Conference Call, Thursday September 4, 1:00 PM EDT

Date: Wed Sep 03 2008 - 13:17:24 EDT

  • Next message: "IDS> NAP Binding Spec Update Available"

    There will be an IDS conference call at 1:00 PM EDT (10:00 AM PDT) this

    Note the NEW Teleconference number and access code are now used.
    Please contact me if you do not have the new number.

    1. Identify Minute Taker
    2. Approval of minutes from 8/13 F2F meeting
    3. Review Action Items (see below)
    4. Review latest HCD Health Assessment Attributes Specification.
    (.doc) or
    5. Review latest NAP Binding Specification, if I can finish in time.
    6. New business

    Action Items:

    1. Randy Turner will ask the IETF NEA Working Group (or other groups) for
    their thoughts on attributes such as Time Source, Minimum Cipher Suite,
    Bridging, Minimum Encryption Key Length, etc. Are any of these applicable
    to the industry in general?

    2. Jerry Thrasher will clarify the definitions of Downloadable Application
    and Resident Application.

    3. Jerry Thrasher will determine whether "none" or "NULL" (or something
    else) will be used to indicate no Minimum Cipher Suite.

    4. [TDB] will figure out how and where the description of each attribute
    applies to each interface being addressed.

    5. Ron Bergman will add string representation of versions for firmware
    application, resident application and downloadable application in the
    optional table.

    6. Ron Bergman will update the Firewall Setting to be consistent with the
    new NEA format.

    7. Joe Murdock will investigate whether a PEAP request is made to a switch,
    and then the switch makes the request to RADIUS.

    This archive was generated by hypermail 2.1.4 : Wed Sep 03 2008 - 13:17:30 EDT