Re: IDS> Jan 22 and updated Jan 8 teleconference Minutes now available...

From: Randy Turner (
Date: Thu Jan 22 2009 - 17:46:49 EST

  • Next message: Ira McDonald: "IDS> Too many Hardcopy plug-ins for NAP"

    Hi All,

    To paraphrase the remediation statements made during this conference
    call, I think we are going to have to come up with an answer for the
    NAP team when they come
    back with obvious questions, like this:

    "OK, you've got common attributes, which helps. But plugins are also
    needed for custom remediation of devices that support automatic (no
    operator intervention) remediation. So, is there also a PWG common
    mechanism for remediating devices that fail site security assessment

    Playing devils advocate for a moment, this was the toughest technical
    question I thought they would fire back with.

    During my discussion on the value of a "CLASS" plugin, I used the
    rationale that Microsoft would probably want to avoid tons of NAP
    plugins (like printer drivers) that basically assess the same
    attributes (If we agree on a common set of PWG attributes).
    Therefore, a single "hardcopy-class" plugin that assesses the PWG
    common set would be preferred over (n) number of plugins basically
    assessing the same attributes. Ignoring the remediation question for
    a moment, they may ask the question

    "OK, say we were to write a class plugin for hardcopy devices, does
    that mean the vendors that comprise the PWG will NOT be writing any
    NAP plugins for their device? Are their respective technical/marketing
    teams willing to agree to this? Because if we write a class driver,
    and then start seeing (n) numbers of vendors distributing plugins, it
    would seem to eliminate the benefit."


    On Jan 22, 2009, at 2:17 PM, Farrell, Lee wrote:

    > ... at
    > IDS-call-minutes-20090122.doc and
    > IDS-call-minutes-20090122.pdf
    > IDS-call-minutes-20090108-update.doc and
    > IDS-call-minutes-20090108-update.pdf
    > lee
    > ===========================
    > Lee Farrell
    > Canon Development Americas
    > 15975 Alton Parkway
    > Irvine, CA 92618-3731
    > (949) 932-3163 - voice
    > (949) 932-3520 - fax
    > ===========================

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