IDS> Min_Cipher_Suite and Min_Cipher_Key_Length attributes

From: Brian Smithson (
Date: Fri Jan 30 2009 - 21:26:33 EST

  • Next message: Randy Turner: "Re: IDS> Min_Cipher_Suite and Min_Cipher_Key_Length attributes"

    I am still wondering how these two attributes can be used in practice. I
    know that we can uniquely identify cipher suites using the IANA
    registry, but is there an authoritative source to specify that one suite
    is "more minimum" than another? And if you consider different key
    lengths that might be acceptable for a given suite, then can we really
    say that suite X is more minimum than suite Y even if an HCD supports a
    relatively long key length for X but only supports a relatively short
    one for Y?

    Brian Smithson
    PM, Security Research
    PMP, CISSP, CISA, ISO 27000 PA
    Advanced Imaging and Network Technologies
    Ricoh Americas Corporation

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