IFX Mail Archive: RE: On legality

RE: On legality

Michael Crawford (mcrawford@iready.com)
Thu, 25 Mar 1999 10:57:25 -0800

I can support your proposal. Thanks!

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Graham Klyne [SMTP:GK@Dial.pipex.com]
> Sent: Thursday, March 25, 1999 2:00 AM
> To: Quality documents transfer
> Subject: On legality
> In discussin legality, I think there are two completely different issues
> that should not be confused:
> (1) legal (and related cutom and practice) requirements for people sending
> messages (along the lines of those required in USA for fax transmission:
> identity of sender, timestamp, etc.). I think it is appropriate for this
> group to consider this to the extent of providing tecxhnical measures that
> align with fax practice.
> (2) requirements for a transmitted document to have any free-standing
> evidential weight. This latter case is much more complex, and has much
> less case lore (sic) behind it (though more than none at all). A full
> treatment of this would be way beyond the scope of this group. As
> technicians, we should probably try to avoid obvious problem areas (e.g.
> by
> allowing for authentication, etc.) but not kid ourselves we can completely
> solve a problem that has significant non-tecnical components.
> #g
> ------------
> Graham Klyne