IFX Mail Archive: IFX> PDFax Color Spaces.

IFX> PDFax Color Spaces.

From: Rick Seeler (rseeler@adobe.com)
Date: Tue Sep 17 2002 - 19:55:57 EDT

  • Next message: Rick Seeler: "IFX> IP issues around Filters in PDF."

    I'm in the process of trying to determine the color space (Section 4.5
    of the PDF 1.4 reference) requirements for PDFax for the first draft. I
    was considering the following color spaces requirements:

    Pattern -- Prohibited.
    Separation -- Prohibited.
    DeviceN -- Prohibited.

    DeviceGray -- Required.
    DeviceRGB -- Required.
    DeviceCMYK -- Required.
    Indexed -- Required.

    CalGray -- Optional.
    CalRGB -- Optional.
    Lab -- Optional.
    ICCBased -- Optional.

    I was thinking that in the interest of keeping the number of options to
    a minimum, we would limit the combinations of the optional color spaces
    to just all, none, and maybe one other combination (ICCBased by itself).

    Does anyone have any comments on this issue?

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