IPP Mail Archive: Directory Entry Schema

Directory Entry Schema

Scott A. Isaacson (Scott_Isaacson@novell.com)
Mon, 18 Nov 1996 20:18:09 -0700

Keith Carter and I met and we want to run the following issues by the

We want to have a Location attribute. We propose that this should be a "
a free form string that can contain any site specific location information."
How should filtered searches work on values of this attribute?

We want to introduce a new attribute callled Print Quality. "This indicates
a somewhat subjective evaluation of the overall printing quality: "high",
"medium", or "low" " ISSUE: Does this subsume the need for Resolution
and Speed?

We want to introduce a new attribute called Cost. "This indicates a
somewhat subjective evaluation of the overall cost of printing at this
printer: "high", "medium", or "low". " ISSUE: Is this a good thing or not?

We propose a Fonts Supported attribute which is the same as the
fonts-supported attribute in the Printer object. ISSUE: Do you agree that
this should be in the directory entry. Some studies have shown that
users want to search for printers based on this attribute.

If we keep Maximum Speed should it be moved to "high, med low"??

We propose a P1284 Device ID not a plug and play Id -- the plug and play
id can be created from this. ISSUE: Does this subsume the need for
Make, Model, and Type??

Scott A. Isaacson
Print Services Consulting Engineer
Novell Inc., 122 E 1700 S, Provo, UT 84606
V: (801) 861-7366, (800) 453-1267 x17366
F: (801) 861-4025, E: scott_isaacson@novell.com
W: http://www.novell.com