IPP Mail Archive: Re: 0.92 review comments

Re: 0.92 review comments

Robert Herriot (robert.herriot@Eng.Sun.COM)
Thu, 21 Nov 1996 15:50:36 -0800

> Section 6.4.32
> Since maximum-end-user-priority is a Printer object attribute and not a
> Job Templates attribute, it is hard to acheive the desire effect. Suppose
> you want some users to have a MAX priority of low and some user to
> have a MAX of hight. This would require defining TWO Printer object for
> the same Printer object not just TWO Job Templates for the same Printer
> Object. However, this doesn't work as a Job Template attribute either -
> the user just overrides the priority in the Job submission attributes

The above comment brings up a concept which cannot be connected to job
templates. A job template specifies default values, but cannot
restrict values. A printer specifies allowed values, and can therefore
restrict values.

In the case above where a printer wants to present two levels of
priority to different users, a mechanism other than job template is
required. Whatever it is, it is beyond our current scope.

Bob Herriot