IPP Mail Archive: Re: Suggestion for pwg and ipp web pages

Re: Suggestion for pwg and ipp web pages

JK Martin (jkm@underscore.com)
Thu, 21 Nov 96 20:59 EST


> I've started such a sub-directory on the PWG server, called
> http-related-rfcs, but a web page with a sentence or two about each related
> rfc and a pointer to the source, rather than copying, would be great.
> Jay,
> Or should we copy them to your server, to improve response but take up space?

Let's not copy any document or similar resource unless there is some
absolutely compelling reason to do so.

For web pages, just insert the URL reference.

For the current ftp situation, I am very much *against* copying those
files onto the PWG server. Instead, a "readme.related-rfcs" file should
be created (and maintained!) that allows folks to pull down the entire
list, then go to the appropriate ftp server (or whatever) to fetch the
desired documents.

A word of warning here, Tom. We are not about to let the PWG file server
get out of control as badly as when it was hosted by HP. The existing
state of the file structuring of the old PWG documentation is an utter
mess. Let's not allow the IPP (or any other project, for that matter)
fall into this trap.


-- JK Martin | Email: jkm@underscore.com --
-- Underscore, Inc. | Voice: (603) 889-7000 --
-- 41C Sagamore Park Road | Fax: (603) 889-2699 --
-- Hudson, NH 03015-4915 | Web: http://www.underscore.com --