IPP Mail Archive: IPP>Output bin Select

IPP>Output bin Select

Hirotoshi Fujita (hfujita@VNET.IBM.COM)
Thu, 5 Dec 96 11:48:24 JST

I'm a S/W engineer working on PC components to connect with a networked
copier based on Salutation Architecture. Please let me comment on IPP V1.0
to allow for the selection of output bins that I'm using in daily
life with the networked copier. Two operations are needed:
capability identification and selection of output operation.

By the way, I would like to enable the functions. I don't stick to
the Attribute names.

Printer Attributes

maximum-output-bins (cardinal)

print-paper-output-select (1#type?Enum ==> discussion needed)

standard values:


"collatedSort" corresponds to "prtOutputPageCollated" of
"Printer MIB" (RFC 1759)

"nonCollatedSort" corresponds to "prtOutputDecollating" of
"Printer MIB" (RFC 1759)

print-output-page-delivery-orientation (1#type1Enum)

standard values :

refer to: "prtOutputPageDeliveryOrientation"
specified in "Printer MIB" (RFC 1759)

Job Attributes

output-bin-select (cardinal)

output-select (type ??? Enum ==> discussion needed)

output-page-delivery-orientation (type1Enum)

Best Regards,

Hirotoshi Fujita, Salutation Project, Software Development
VNET : FUJITA at YMTVM1    Internet : fujita@yamato.ibm.co.jp