IPP Mail Archive: IPP> Happy Holidays

IPP> Happy Holidays

Maureen Cockerill Carter (mccarter@mail.utexas.edu)
Fri, 20 Dec 1996 16:47:31 -0600 (CST)

IPP Team,

I'll return to work on January 6. I'll see you in Albuqurque that week.

Everyone have a safe and happy holiday season!

Keith Carter
IBM Austin, Texas

P.S. During the IPP telecon on December 18, I was asked to handle a "quick"
business emergency which took the rest of the day thus my unannounced
absence the latter part of the telecon.
Maureen Cockerill Carter
Risk Management and Insurance Program Office
Phone: 471-0018 e-mail address: mccarter@mail.utexas.edu

"Let me win. But if I cannot win, let me be brave in the attempt."
- Special Olympics Oath