IPP Mail Archive: Re: IPP> Re: Revised Charter Text for IPP

Re: IPP> Re: Revised Charter Text for IPP

Carl-Uno Manros (cmanros@cp10.es.xerox.com)
Fri, 3 Jan 1997 10:20:59 PST


Rest assured that everybody on the DL will be fully informed and able to

The PWG produces meeting minuters which are published on the DL shortly

The PWG meetings are also open to everybody who has an interest in printing.
No membership fees or other obstacles, you only pay for your trip and share a
small cost for meeting rooms - it is a lot cheaper than the IETF meetings.



At 12:39 AM 1/3/97 PST, you wrote:
>OK - I assume that the PWG will remember that formally, in this
>process, it's just a place where the people initiating an
>IETF effort happen to meet; the proposals made at that meeting will
>have to be passed back to the proto-WG on this mailing list and
>be approved by the ADs.
>I'd like others on the list to chime in about the charter as well.
>Have fun!
> Harald A