IPP Mail Archive: Re: IPP> 1/15/97 Conference Call

Re: IPP> 1/15/97 Conference Call

Jim Walker (walker@dazel.com)
Thu, 16 Jan 1997 09:41:58 -0600

rdebry@us.ibm.com wrote:
> I missed the call yesterday because I was out of town on business. I don't see
> any minutes on the ftp site. Can anyone do a quick summary and post it?

Yes, Roger, there was a secretary (I begrudgingly volunteered), and I
will try to get the minutes out today. FYI, there were not many people
involved (9 at my count), and there was not a whole lot of progress.


Jim Walker <walker@dazel.com>
System Architect/DAZEL Wizard
DAZEL Corporation, Austin, TX