IPP Mail Archive: IPP> MOD - ISSUE: Add back simple job-print-after with just

IPP> MOD - ISSUE: Add back simple job-print-after with just

Tom Hastings (hastings@cp10.es.xerox.com)
Fri, 28 Feb 1997 16:25:36 PST

Subj: ISSUE: Proposal to add back the original job-print-after attribute
From: Tom Hastings
File: ftp://ftp.pwg.org/pub/pwg/ipp/new_MOD/pr-after.doc .pdf
Date: 2/28/97

I agree that we went to far with the job-hold-until proposal. However, I
then think we too far in the other direction by deleting job-print-after

The job-print-after attribute is an ISO DPA level 2 attribute. It is needed
in order for a user that has a big job to be able to submit the job now but
request that it be scheduled later, so as not to hog the printer during busy
Being able to submit now for print later is a very important feature when
dealing with large documents within organizations. It is also allows
intranet capability to charge less for night printing.

I suggest adding the job-print-after attribute back as only an absolute time.
We can worry about how the administrator puts absolute time into templates as
relative time for IPP V2.0.

I also think that we don't need to introduce the held state, but can have
the job-print-after-specified value of the job-state-reasons indicate that
the job is not a candidate for printing, just like we are doing for the
other job-state-reasons while the job is in the pending state.

I have posted a complete .doc and .pdf showing the revision marks for
adding back this simplified job-print-after job attribute:

-rw-r--r-- 1 pwg pwg 14848 Mar 1 00:21 pr-after.doc
-rw-r--r-- 1 pwg pwg 7957 Mar 1 00:21 pr-after.pdf
-rw-r--r-- 1 pwg pwg 8070 Mar 1 00:21 pr-after.pdr

The .pdr has red revision marks; the .pdf has black revision marks.
