IPP Mail Archive: IPP> MOD - new posting fixes

IPP> MOD - new posting fixes

Scott Isaacson (Scott_Isaacson@novell.com)
Wed, 19 Mar 1997 15:44:08 -0700

I sent out a message a few hours ago. There was a problem with the ftp transfer; the
files that I mentioned in that e-mail were not there or corrupted. I have since fixed it.
Try it again.


Original Message:
Patrick Powell from SDSU asked me to post a new version of the model document with some of
his edits and comments. He added several sections to the beginning of the doc. The
posted version has revision marks against version 1.6. I have posted the .doc file and a
.pdf file.


I haven't had a chance to review it yet, but I am sure that he is looking for some
comments back on his changes.

Scott A. Isaacson
Print Services Consulting Engineer
Novell Inc., 122 E 1700 S, Provo, UT 84606
V: (801) 861-7366, (800) 453-1267 x17366
F: (801) 861-4025, E: scott_isaacson@novell.com
W: http://www.novell.com