IPP Mail Archive: Re: IPP> MOD - I've posted some issues: isstnh03.doc .pdf-Re

Re: IPP> MOD - I've posted some issues: isstnh03.doc .pdf-Re

Gail Songer (Gail.Songer@eng.efi.com)
Fri, 21 Mar 1997 11:07:29 -0800


We really need to be very careful about how this is defined. The definition
that you have proposed is directly opposite the definition the provided by HP's
PJL. PJL defines 4 levels of a variable, the factory default(rom), the system
default(nvram, ram), the PJL current(ram) and the modified print

"PJL resets conditions are more powerful. They load the User Default values
into the PJL Current Environment, which are then loaded into the Modified Print

"In this document, the term PJL rest condition refers to any of the following

"* Power on
"* UEL command
"* @PJL INITIALIZE command
"* @PJL RESET command
"* @PJL JOB or EOJ command
"* Other perint-specifi events
" - Contol Panel Reset
" - Implicit printer language switch
" - Language specific exit command
" - Data stream idle timeout"
this is taken from HP's Printer Job Language Technical Reference Manual,
copyright 1992 page 6-8.
