IPP Mail Archive: Re: IPP>MOD - conformance

Re: IPP>MOD - conformance

JK Martin (jkm@underscore.com)
Wed, 9 Apr 1997 13:46:17 -0400 (EDT)


> In response to a Query, an IPP client shall not fail for any attributes or
> values for those attributes which are returned. The client need not use any
> returned attributes in subsequent operations. IPP clients should provide a
> means for displaying any returned attributes and values to an end user.
> Issue: Bob Herriot had suggested that the protocol should not
> say anything about what a client presents to an end user. If
> others agree, then perhaps this is just an implementation guideline.
> However, I think it is important to note.

I agree with Bob. Dictating, or even suggesting, how a client should
respond with the data it receives from a server should be considered
out-of-scope. It's not even clear that it's worthy of being put in
an appendix of the spec, since the function of the client is completely
up to the designers.

Discussions of how a IPP client might be designed (and what the target
functionality could/should be) would be interesting on one of the PWG
mailing lists. However, suggesting that a client should do this-and-that
with respect to IPP protocol responses is not a good idea, IMHO.
