IPP Mail Archive: IPP> Re: JMP> Minutes for Printer MIB Working Group at IETF Meeting

IPP> Re: JMP> Minutes for Printer MIB Working Group at IETF Meeting

Jim Walker (walker@dazel.com)
Mon, 14 Apr 1997 14:22:49 -0500

There was an issue from the Job and Printer MIB Working Group minutes
that related to IPP, and concerned me. Specifically,

> QUESTION: The Job Monitoring MIB seems to be focusing on some of
> the same areas as IPP. Is there any coordination between the two
> projects?
> ANSWER: Yes, the IPP and Job Monitoring programs are both being
> developed by the same people. The Printer MIB, the Job
> Monitoring MIB and Internet Printing Protocol projects are being
> coordinated to insure that they are compatible.

Yes, it is true that the IPP and Job (and Printer) MIB programs are
being developed by the same people. However, is it really true
today that the projects are "being coordinated to insure that they
are compatible"? If so, who is doing that work, and what are we
doing to insure (sic) that compatibility?


Jim Walker <walker@dazel.com>
System Architect/DAZEL Wizard
DAZEL Corporation, Austin, TX