IPP Mail Archive: IPP> Resolving IPP/JMP job-state and job-state-reasons differences:

IPP> Resolving IPP/JMP job-state and job-state-reasons differences:

Tom Hastings (hastings@cp10.es.xerox.com)
Tue, 20 May 1997 01:38:00 PDT

For the IPP telecon, Wed, 5/21, 1-3 pm PDT (4-6 pm EDT).

The Job Monitoring MIB project is nearling completion and we wanted to make
sure that the JMP model of a print job covered IPP. In other words, an SNMP
agent will have to map the IPP semantics onto the JMP representation of a
job. The JMP wanted to meet with the IPP folks to resolve these differences.
Since JMP will be monitoring output devices and servers that implement
different protocols, JMP may need to be a superset of IPP, not one-to-one.
an SNMP agent must be able to map the semantics of an IPP server or printer
into the JMP semantics.

I've posted a detailed comparison of the IPP job-state and job-state-reasons
attributes with the JMP jmJobState object and the jobStateReasons1 attribute
in both sub-directories:

-rw-r--r-- 1 pwg pwg 52224 May 20 08:25 ippstate.doc
-rw-r--r-- 1 pwg pwg 50264 May 20 08:26 ippstate.pdf
-rw-r--r-- 1 pwg pwg 34760 May 20 08:26 ippstate.txt

The document lists the differencs, and lists alternatives for resolving the
differences. Then it lists the entire IPP or JMP specification for these
attributes, as modified last week by both the IPP and JMP projects.

Take a look.
