IPP Mail Archive: Re: IPP>PRO - Print by reference

Re: IPP>PRO - Print by reference

Scott Lawrence (lawrence@agranat.com)
Thu, 05 Jun 1997 17:16:35 -0400

>>>>> "TR" == Theresa Rhoades <THERESA_RHOADES@HP-Boise-om8.om.hp.com> writes:

CM> an assumed restriction in the use of print-by-reference is that it
CM> would initially only support the retrieval of documents in print ready
CM> formats, such as Postscript or other PDL.

TR> What kind of driver requirements will this place on the source? The
TR> document provider will need to provide documents in every "print
TR> ready" format that may exist at that time- PostScript, PCL, PCL-XL,
TR> PDF, to name a few, and it will need to do this for every printer
TR> because as we know, practially every printer has a different print
TR> region, orientation, color space, etc. for which the specific PDL file
TR> will need to be formatted.

Hmmm... are we beginning to understand why IETF insists that specs
be available as flat text?

[Sorry, I couldn't resist...]

Scott Lawrence           EmWeb Embedded Server       <lawrence@agranat.com>
Agranat Systems, Inc.        Engineering            http://www.agranat.com/