IPP Mail Archive: Re: IPP> create job IPP operation

Re: IPP> create job IPP operation

Scott Lawrence (lawrence@agranat.com)
Fri, 13 Jun 1997 13:21:02 -0400

>>>>> "RT" == Randy Turner <rturner@sharplabs.com> writes:

RT> ...we need a mechanism for SEND-DOCUMENT to indicate to the server
RT> that this is the last document for the job. There are at least 3
RT> ways to do this off the top of my head:

RT> ...

RT> 2. Since we are using HTTP 1.1 with persistent connections, just
RT> close the TCP connection from client to host indicating the end of
RT> the job stream (or last document).

Don't throw away the advantage of persistent connections by
repeating the HTTP{0.9|1.0} mistake of using the connection close as
a normal signalling mechanism.

For example, I expect that many implementors will want to follow up
a submit-job with an immediate status query (my own alias for
invoking lpr includes an lpq).

Scott Lawrence           EmWeb Embedded Server       <lawrence@agranat.com>
Agranat Systems, Inc.        Engineering            http://www.agranat.com/