IPP Mail Archive: IPP> ADM - PWG IPP Phone Conference - July 16, 1997

IPP> ADM - PWG IPP Phone Conference - July 16, 1997

Stephen Zilles (szilles@Adobe.COM)
Tue, 15 Jul 1997 17:54:54 PDT

Agenda for Weekly IPP Phone Conference, July 16, 1997, 1-3PM PDT

The weekly phone conference will occur as usual with Steve Zilles
chairing the meeting in place of Carl-Uno. The phone call details are:

Phone number: 1-423-523-7162
Access code: 190148

We have now reached the stage where it is critical to get the documents
out for the Munich meeting. This week three new versions and one new
document were distributed. These will be the main topics of dicussion.



1. Identification of major open issues. I do not believe that there are
any major open issues with the existing collection of documents, but if
anyone believes that there are now is the time to identify them so they
can be resolved before or no later than the Munich meeting. Here a major
issue is more than a type or filling in missing text; it would typically
mean a change of direction. Getting alignment/agreement among the
documents is also NOT a major issue.

2. Discussion of Rational document. This is a new document which is
intended to indicate (a) the IPP architecture and (b) why the
architectural choices were made as they have been made.

3. Model Document

4. Protocol Document

5. LPD Mapping Document

6. Other business

Adjourn at 3PM PDT promptly.

Please read the documents and please only bring up issues that need
group resolution or input; other issues can be sent to the author if
small or the list. There is a lot to discuss and there is little time to
do so.

The Rational document was mailed to everyone and the other documents
were posted as follows:

Bob Herriot posted the latest version of the protocol document,
dated July 14, 1997.

He added the type byte the protocol. Otherwise, all changes to the
document are for clarification.

It is at:

ftp://ftp.pwg.org/pub/pwg/ipp/new_PRO/ipp-970714.doc MS Word V6.0
ftp://ftp.pwg.org/pub/pwg/ipp/new_PRO/ipp-970714.ps PostScript
ftp://ftp.pwg.org/pub/pwg/ipp/new_PRO/ipp-970714-rev.doc with revisions

Scott Issacson posted a new version of the model document:


ipp-model-970714-ms60.doc - A MS Word 6.0 doc with no revision marks
ipp-model-970714-rev-ms60.doc - A MS Word 6.0 doc with revision marks
ipp-model-970714-rev.pdf - A PDF line numbers and with revision marks
ipp-model-970714.pdf - A PDF line numbers and with no revision marks
ipp-model-970714.txt - A txt file with no line numbers (same as

I have also sumbitted text file to the IETF as a new I-D:
I posted this at:


Tom Hastings posted updated "Mapping between LPD and IPP Protocols" in:

-rw-r--r-- 1 pwg pwg 69396 Jul 14 07:54 lpd-ipp-rev-black.pdf
-rw-r--r-- 1 pwg pwg 72163 Jul 14 07:53 lpd-ipp-rev-red.pdf
-rw-r--r-- 1 pwg pwg 62976 Jul 14 07:51 lpd-ipp.doc
-rw-r--r-- 1 pwg pwg 41862 Jul 14 07:52 lpd-ipp.pdf
-rw-r--r-- 1 pwg pwg 22915 Jul 14 07:52 lpd-ipp.txt